Important (Long) Dreams:
- Rattus Sculptoris
- Spending Time
- Dreams of a Swaly Gaum
- Null Terminator
- Ghost Tag
- A Portrait of the Clarinet as a Political Weapon
- Quantum Faith
- Names from Decades Past
- Hyperspace-Innerspace
- Granny (and Some Burst Dreams)
- Frustrations
- Destiny
- The Ubiquitous Shredded Chicken Tree
- Hotel Unacceptable
- Subterranean Ether
- The Domineering Baby
- Wax Michael Jackson and Funny Clothes
- The Joker and the Submarine
- Catching Up on some Short Dreams
- Physics in Motion
- What Happens When You Complete "A Man and His Droid"
- The Tide is Coming In
- Post-Traumatic Math Disorder
- Modus Promotion
- Weird Tales and Community
- Indiana Jones and the Fruit Sherry
- The Hand that 30 Rocks the Cradle
- The Gospel According to Virginia Wolfe
- Car Crash Hill
- Bad Movie Better Butter
- Me Vs. The Mom -and- The Most Perilous Jungle in the World
- Craps and Music (and Independent Game Development)
- A Computer Framework for Algorithmic Music Generation
- Brainf***
- Old Dream Papers
- Carbon Copy
- Three Throwaways
- Mass Effect 2 and Death by Pizza
- Assorted Throwaway Dreams
- Argh!
- The Pig Mask
- Aquatic Shopping
- Aliens and Robots and Pianos
- Mass Effect and Bubbly Tea
Music Theory:
Other Stuff:
- A Right Proper Pirate Raid
- A Small Pirate Spiel
- The Legend of Derrick the Terrible
- Catchup - Abstract Strategy
- Nope, No Time for a 7DRL
- 7DRL Challenge 2014: Two Weeks Away
- Source Code for Uushuvud Released
- 7DRL Challenge 2013: Uushuvud (End of Day Five)
- 7DRL Challenge 2013: Uushuvud (Halfway through Day Five)
- 7DRL Challenge 2013: Uushuvud (Day Four)
- 7DRL Challenge 2013: Uushuvud (Day Three)
- 7DRL Challenge 2013: Uushuvud (Day Two)
- 7DRL Challenge 2013: Uushuvud
- Rorschach
- A Dead Stag
- Elf Motors Inc.
- The Sand Sub (Remix)
- Time Dilation Program